A remarkable confession...

Dear expert or producer,

Recently, I was asked ONE tricky question...
"If you had to start from scratch...

...if the years of wealth, influence, and respect you’ve built suddenly vanished...

...what would you do to quickly get back to your previous level?"

Unfortunately, in today's world, where trends in the information business change extremely quickly and global events often create chaos, many people find themselves in this exact situation.

Or they are ALREADY in such a position.

Without an exit plan.
When I was asked this question — I already knew what my answer would be. Without even thinking.

And, to be honest... I’ve had to start from scratch before.

Oh, that spring of 2022...

However, if you are ready to do this ONE specific thing... something most experts and producers are afraid to do... you will rise in your niche faster than you can imagine.

It's a pity no one showed me this 3 years ago...

If I had known this earlier, I would have achieved my results much faster:
Reached a net profit of $40.000 monthly
Secured million-dollar success cases from my student
Created the exact lifestyle I always dreamed of
Bought a brand new Tesla
Gained recognition in the info business market...
And my funnels would have been copied hundreds of times over))

...I would have achieved all this much sooner, in just a few months!

Today, this "strategy" is considered a key secret to the rapid growth of any expert, producer, or online school, regardless of the niche you work in.

The wealthiest, smartest, and most respected figures in the information business are now actively using this method... And you probably know them.

If there's one thing I sincerely want you to know... Something you absolutely MUST know... It's this...

Before I tell you that you can join in the next few days, I want to introduce you to...
The master class "Cheat Codes for Launch: How to Make $500.000 in a Year"

The insider secret to attracting clients that will help an expert/producer reach $50.000 + three times faster...

The first thing you will get:
Master class "Cheat Codes for Launch: How to Make $500.000 in a Year from Scratch"
And no, this is not one of those master classes where the presenter talks about themselves for 30 minutes and then spends 2 hours trying to sell you something.

In this master class, you'll learn the exact method that will help you make sales to new clients every day and rapidly grow your information business.

It doesn't matter what your goal is: whether you want to make daily sales without your direct involvement or scale your online school to $100,000+...

...this method will work for you.

You will discover the secret of "client attraction" that is unknown to the average expert but is consciously used by the largest and fastest-growing online schools.

By pulling this one lever in your information business, you'll gain control over how quickly you want to grow, allowing you to finally dictate the pace of your sales growth.

And it has nothing to do with "tactical" things like writing sales copy or sending spam emails..

Here’s everything you will learn in this exclusive master class:

Two growth points for any info business to reach $100.000 per month (surprisingly, many experts/producers have no idea about this)

The 3 steps to reach $500.000 per year in 6-8 months (miss even one of them and your info business will turn into a house of cards)

Why you should stop viewing your info business as "traffic, content, sales"... and immediately start viewing it THIS WAY

Never sell to THESE people (spoiler: they will waste your time but won't bring in any money)

Why spending less on traffic is a loser's game... and why the biggest online schools always compete to spend more

The one thing you need to do better than your competitors to surpass them in sales, new clients, and record revenues in just a few months

"Investor mindset" or how to quickly create time and financial freedom in your info business

How to reduce your business to ONE continuous action... (Secret: if you do it over and over, it will ensure you the highest revenues, highest profits, and the greatest returns)

And this is only part of what awaits you inside...
Here, I will reveal the most powerful marketing technique that will immediately put you in the lead.

But let me be clear...

...it's not the most obvious thing, and you'll probably be hearing this for the first time.

That's why in the master class, I specifically demonstrated in "real-time" how to create a big idea using one of my projects as an example.

Imagine when you launch your Big idea to the market…

Your competitors' jaws will drop when they see your sales growth.

(Some of them might even ask what's changed, but...

...only you will know)

And also, in this master class, you will find...
Do you remember that "list of questions" I use to create all my funnels, for which I paid $1500?
In this master class, I will reveal it.

Moreover, I will thoroughly break down the "persuasion algorithm" using one of my funnels as an example, which has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars (and continues to do so).

Here’s a little spoiler of what’s inside:

- 10 steps to creating the "persuasion algorithm"
- What needs to be in the text for it to be read "cover to cover" and make people have only one desire at the end — to make a payment
- How to capture your clients' hearts and minds and turn them into fans

And the cherry on top...
Perhaps this is the most important part of any launch.

Your offer to the same audience can either bring you tens of millions of dollars or simply bury your launch.

The better the offer, the more sales.
The worse the offer, the fewer sales.

With the right offer, it will be much easier for you to sell...
Without changing anything in your launches and funnels!

When you use a truly strong offer, you can get by with lower quality marketing...

...lower quality warm-ups, texts, content, etc.

Because your offer does all the heavy lifting for you in terms of sales.

The smartest producers always start their work by creating a strong offer.

Even BEFORE choosing a launch model

BEFORE writing the warm-up

BEFORE launching the ads

And BEFORE creating any landing pages or anything else.

And when you have such an offer, well...

Your potential clients start pacing around their apartment just by taking one glance at your offer.

Their "greed glands" start working at full capacity...

...and it becomes very hard not to buy.

And once you have such an offer, you can confidently go on to create content, warm up your audience, and sell...

...because you will know: your offer will work.

You will be glad that the most important part of your launch is done perfectly.

In this master class, I will reveal the formula for creating such an offer.

Just 4 components that you need to fine-tune in your proposal so that your potential clients start squealing and threatening you if you don't take their money.
The second thing you will get:
Million-Dollar Launch Calendar
All my launches, and those of my students, are planned according to this calendar.

And, as bold as it may sound, without it, I can't take control of my life and my marketing.

When you're unsure of what to do and by when, the launch can drag on for six months.

Here’s how it usually goes:

You sit down to work, focus for 15 minutes, get distracted by your phone, and... that's it. Then you take a break for a week.

After all, Reels won’t scroll themselves...

As a result, everything becomes chaotic, procrastination sets in, and you end up ignoring the truly important tasks that bring in money.

But when there is no chaos...

You know exactly what needs to be done today, tomorrow, and next week.

You simply follow the calendar. You sit down at your laptop, open the calendar, and get to work.

You're not stressing over finding a "task for today."

You stay on track, and over time, you start getting ahead of the calendar.

Work becomes enjoyable, and tracking your progress motivates you even more.

As a result, with this calendar, you'll be amazed at your own productivity...

A secret tip: when I implemented this calendar with my students, even the average performers stopped missing deadlines and started achieving real results.

And what could be more encouraging than having a specific date when you will see your first profit?
The third thing you will get:
A breakdown of my promo materials that
provide a 1630%+ return on investment.
I must admit: I almost removed this point from the offer.

After all, it's valuable enough to be a separate offer on its own)

This is a detailed breakdown of everything I launched, both organically and with paid traffic, to earn over $20,000 from my funnel.

Many of these promotional materials are still working for me today. It’s a ready-made bundle...

I used to sell this breakdown exclusively "on request" for $113...

In it, I will guide you through every step of my campaign and reveal the subtle tactics that bring in payments every day (tactics that are impossible to see if you're "on the outside").

In this breakdown, you'll find:

- Why these promotional materials work better and better each day and don't burn out
- The number 1 reason why potential clients ignore you — and how to avoid this trap
- Hate selling? Try this NEW style of marketing that boosts conversion rates and turns people into loyal fans
- One hidden tactic for building bulletproof trust in you even before getting acquainted (if you're not doing this, you're missing out on tens of thousands of dollars in revenue)
- THREE things you must do if you want to achieve EXTRAORDINARY sales results from every product you create
-A little-known engagement principle that must not be broken (if you break it, you'll just get swiped away and won't sell anything)
The fourth thing you will get:
Automated Sales System
This is a detailed breakdown of my sales system, developed after hundreds of tests.

As of today, it’s the best on the market. I’m not kidding.

It boasts impressive metrics that any info-business case would envy.

The system has no weak points. It operates like Swiss clockwork and continues to impress me with its results even now.

(And now it functions on autopilot even more effectively than when it was first launched.)
In this breakdown, everything is meticulously detailed: from the entry into the funnel (content) to the "dirty tricks" for boosting sales (which I’m revealing for the first time).

- A step-by-step outline of my marketing asset. WHY I did it this way…
- The 5 dominant emotions that drive every purchase decision (apply these to your marketing today for an immediate sales boost)
- Your NEW "unbeatable advantage" that will ensure long-term returns from all your marketing efforts—even during global economic upheavals
- The secret to instant "immersion" in content. How to make a client eager to pay you in just 20 minutes
- The hidden mechanism that can earn you $10,000, even while you're on vacation or asleep (remove it, and you’ll be working 18 hours a day)

This breakdown isn't available for separate purchase, but if it were, it would cost at least $169…
The fifth thing you will get:
The secret of copywriting: how to write a sales text, even if you're not good at writing.
Only about 3% of people are naturally skilled at writing persuasively.

That’s a good thing: otherwise, competition in launches would be extremely fierce.

After all, persuasive writing is needed for almost everything:

- Video scripts for Reels
- Social media posts
- Sales conversation in messages
- Funnels

Yes, even for warm-ups in stories...

What’s a warm-up? It’s text broken into 15-second segments in an interactive format.

Write a compelling sales text, split it into several days of warm-ups, and you have a classic launch ready (and I assure you: it will outperform most “warm-ups”).

This becomes even more crucial with "Slide" technology because our funnel is essentially a long-read format (like the one you're reading now).

Do you get it? It’s basically just a lengthy article.

There’s a method that lets you create high-converting texts, even if writing isn’t your strong suit.

And if you’re already a good writer, this method will elevate your text to a whole new level.

I’m using this method to write these lines right now.

It’s a true cheat code for boosting conversions and gives you an unfair advantage in the market.

How much does all this cost?

If you were to purchase all these products separately, it would cost you at least $575.

And that’s assuming most of these products were even available for sale.

Because very few people in our market are aware of this method.
Master Class 'Cheat Codes for Launch: How to Make 50 Million in a Year from Scratch'"
Separately: $169

Million-Dollar Launch Calendar
Separately: $45

Breakdown of My Promo Materials That Provide a 1630%+ ROI
Separately: $113

Automated Sales System
Separately: $169

The secret of copywriting: how to write a sales text, even if you're not good at writing.
Separately: $79

TOTAL: Separately $575

What will you be able to do after training?

Imagine having in your hands the exact method that lets you make sales to new clients every day and rapidly grow your info business.

No more standing still or wondering "what else can I do to boost my launches"

now, you'll simply pull this "hidden lever" and set new profit records.

And this method isn’t just another piece of common advice like "be more personal in your blog, engage with your subscribers, and send social media messages"...

...most importantly, you'll discover that $3,000 a month is just the beginning.

Your "marketing asset" has the power to scale almost infinitely, positioning you as a leader in your niche.

Whether you're a beginner or already experienced, this method works universally.

And I wasn’t joking when I mentioned $500,000+ a year...

Will this $575 package suit you?

If your blog and client base were growing EVERY day (without you having to spend a single cent on it), and your competitors were scratching their heads wondering how you grew so quickly...
And if you turned your info business into a manageable system and no longer had to live from launch to launch, constantly thinking "will it work this time?"
And if this method freed you from the hated routine and started bringing in payments automatically, even while you were relaxing...
Would this package be worth $575?
Ask yourself 3 questions...
Would this package be worth $575?
Would this package be worth $575?

I understand that not everyone can afford training for $575!

That's why I decided to cut the price by 93%.

That's a discount of $535!

If you join NOW, you can get

everything for...



If you join now, you can get everything for just $40 under the "early list" conditions
or choose your package

✓ "Master Class 'Cheat Codes for Launch: How to Make 50 Million in a Year from Scratch"

✓ Million-Dollar Launch Calendar

✓ Breakdown of My Promo Materials That Provide a 1630%+ ROI

✓ Automated Sales System

✓ The secret of copywriting: how to write a sales text, even if you're not good at writing

Reserve your spot

✓ "Master Class 'Cheat Codes for Launch: How to Make 50 Million in a Year from Scratch"

✓ Million-Dollar Launch Calendar

✓ Breakdown of My Promo Materials That Provide a 1630%+ ROI

✘ Automated Sales System

✘ The secret of copywriting: how to write a sales text, even if you're not good at writing.

Reserve your spot

✓ "Master Class 'Cheat Codes for Launch: How to Make 50 Million in a Year from Scratch"

✘ Million-Dollar Launch Calendar

✘ Breakdown of My Promo Materials That Provide a 1630%+ ROI

✘ Automated Sales System

✘ The secret of copywriting: how to write a sales text, even if you're not good at writing.

Reserve your spot

This may sound crazy, but...

I guarantee you results.

And I'll even give you 2 guarantees...

First, a 90-day double money-back guarantee, because...

...this is a truly powerful product. If you apply what I tell you and don't get at least 30 times the return on this master class, I will refund you twice what you paid (regardless of the package).

No, I haven't lost my mind.

This is a very bold guarantee. And you can only give it if you're confident in your product.

And I am incredibly confident in it.

And the second guarantee...

A 60-day money-back guarantee for any reason.

I am confident in the quality of my products, so I offer you a 100% money-back guarantee (for 60 days). NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

You can request a refund whether it's after 59 minutes or 59 days.

For absolutely any reason. If you want to get your money back — you will get it.

I will keep the money only if you are satisfied with this product.

Otherwise — all you need to do is send one message to my project manager on Telegram @nickbych, and she will process the refund.

I always take all the risks and responsibility for the quality of my products.

Do you know why I'm offering such a discount?

The reason is simple...

How can I prove that I'm not just another snake oil salesman and that I can genuinely help you?

The simplest way is:

To give you a step-by-step roadmap so you can implement it, see real results, and succeed.

Note: I’m not here to "convince" you that this method works.

I’m here to show you how it works in practice.

Because once I reveal this method to you and you apply it...

...you’ll likely want to continue working with me for the long term.
I’m confident that you’ll find this master class invaluable and that it could mark the start of a long-term business relationship between us.

But just in case, let me clarify: this is not some crappy tripwire where they just talk nonsense and constantly say "buy my main product."

Buying this master class does not oblige you to purchase my other products.

In fact, this master class is precisely the roadmap I wished I had when I was building my own online school...

Alright, since we're going all out — here’s a third guarantee for you))

I guarantee that this offer won’t be here forever.

And very soon, this might happen:

While having breakfast, you accidentally remember the master class "Cheat Codes for Launch," visit this page, and see a picture like this:
My long-time clients know that my offers have a tendency to expire...

...and the image above is a placeholder I use on the site when I take an offer off the market, so...

Right now, this is your only chance to get a quick start and discover the secret to growth in the info business.

Before I wrap up, let me share something personal with you...

I’m incredibly grateful that today I can live in the homes I’ve always dreamed of, drive the cars I love, travel frequently, and not worry about money.

And all this is thanks to my online school, which provides me with everything I need for such a life.

But I do this not only for myself...

...but also for the experts/producers I once had the opportunity to work with. I do it for them.

Amazing stories about how many of them quit their grueling social media jobs and gained true freedom in their lives…

All of this motivates me immensely to continue, and I wouldn't change a SINGLE thing on my path for anything in the world…

However, if I had to rewind my life three years and do something differently...

It would be THIS.

THIS is what will allow you to "explode" your sales even more and faster than you can imagine. This thing can truly be called "magical"...

Everything I’m grateful for today could have been achieved much sooner and with less stress if I had known this simple secret three years ago...

Whether you decide to take up my offer or not, that’s perfectly okay.

If you prefer to learn through trial and error and work things out on your own — that’s completely fine. I once did the same.

But if you want to master the most effective strategy for generating new sales and subscribers that I’ve ever used… and you want to learn it NOW, not three years from now as I did…

Then you know what to do.

P.S. Remember, all your investments today are safeguarded for a full 60 days.

Try this product and implement it in your niche. If, within a few weeks, you don’t see your info business growing faster or generating more sales — just reach out to my project manager on Telegram @nickbych, and I’ll be happy to refund your money.